Editor's Letter

The Design Files, Re-decorated!

Well. hello. It seems a little redundant to be writing a ‘letter from the editor’ style post, given I write 99% of all the content on this website, and yet, today it seemed only fitting to speak a little more personally, because as you can see…. we’ve been making a few changes around here!

Lucy Feagins

Our TDF Redecorated Giveaway ! From left – Dove solid timber dining table, Dove  bench and Woodstack chairs from NOMI, geometric artwork on wall by Perth based artist Emma Lipscome , ‘Make your own’ angle lamp from Douglas & Bec, plants from Loose Leaf, ‘Daisy’ and ‘Marigold’ rugs from Armadillo and Co, artwork leaning on bench by Sarah Kelk of Hello Polly, wall colour is Dulux ‘Sea Angel’, and smaller grey painted panel is ‘Mirage Blue’ both from Dulux‘ 2014 Colour Forecast.  Photo – Eve Wilson, styling – Lucy Feagins.


TDF Redecorated Giveaway !  Dove solid timber bench and haystack chair from NOMI, circular oak mirror from Douglas & Bec, plants from Loose Leaf, rug from Armadillo and Co, artwork leaning on bench by Sarah Kelk of Hello Polly, wall colour is Dulux ‘Sea Angel’, and smaller green painted panel is ‘Canadian Pine’ both from Dulux‘ 2014 Colour Forecast.  Photo – Eve Wilson, styling – Lucy Feagins.

TDF Redecorated Giveaway !  Dove solid timber bench and haystack chair from NOMI, all rugs from Armadillo and Co, wall colour is Dulux ‘Sea Angel’, and smaller grey painted panel is ‘Mirage Blue’ both from Dulux‘ 2014 Colour Forecast.  Photo – Eve Wilson, styling – Lucy Feagins.

Lucy Feagins
29th of September 2014

Hopefully, all going well, you’re reading these words on a website that looks a little different to normal, and yet, still feels like The Design Files you know and love!

As we’ve worked towards this redesign over the past six months, I’ve been nervous to leap into new territory, to change something I know is already so well loved. If it ain’t broke, and all that. But, it’s been two years since our last major re-furb, and two years is a long time on the internet – we’re well overdue for a refresh! We always want to be improving, pushing this blog to be better, to be more inspiring and more relevant, and to offer more rich, varied content year after year.

We always want to be improving, pushing this blog to be better, to be more inspiring and more relevant, and to offer more rich, varied content year after year.

As you know, our passion is to ensure TDF is always full of inspiring, original, professional photography, so we have created room for bigger, high quality photographs in various formats (hello horizontal photos!).

We have collapsed content on the homepage to allow for easier navigation, and to reduce the ‘endless scroll’ of the vertical blog format.  OH and we’re finally optimised for MOBILE (thanks for your patience on that!).

We’ve also introduced a few shorter ‘news’ style snippets on the homepage, such as a ‘Product of the Week’ and featured event listing, which will enable us to cover news and events more readily than we have been able to in the past.

We’ve introduced a spot on the homepage for a daily cartoon or illustration, too, and we’re kicking this off with Jeremyville, an amazing illustrator who is originally from Sydney, but is now based in New York.  We love Jeremyville’s ongoing ‘Community Service Announcements’ project and will be sharing some of our favourites with you this week.

We’re also thrilled to introduce a couple of new contributors, and to finally formalise our contributors page!  Rest assured you’ll still be hearing from me most days (4 out of every 5 posts will still be me!), but there are certain topics we defer to experts for.

We’re PUMPED to introduce Melbourne architect and co-host of Triple RRR’s The Architects radio show Stuart Harrison into the fold with a monthly Architecture column.  Stuart’s passion for great buildings is infectious, and we love that he talks about architecture in a way that is democratic and accessible.  We we can’t wait to run his first story next week. Added to this, we have Amber Creswell Bell, who has just joined us as our key Sydney correspondent, Georgina Reid of The Planthunter is of course still with us for her brilliant monthly gardens column, and Simone Haag who will soon return from her maternity break to resume her monthly shopping column.

Before I sign off I must also thank the hardworking team behind our re-design.  Thanks to our long serving design team – Jesse Mallon and Andy Sargent at South South West, who always do the most brilliant, thoughtful work, and to our amazing web development team who have not had much sleep this past week (!!) – Pat Campbell and Pete Brundle at PDA.  THANKYOU GUYS for your immense talent, your patience and for answering the phone or email at any time of day or night!

And finally, thank YOU guys, our loyal readers, for popping back here every morning to see what we have to say.  There really would be no TDF without you!  Please take a little time, if you have it, to acquaint yourself the new look TDF this week… (And forgive us the inevitable launch week niggle!)


It  wouldn’t really be a major event in TDF land without an EPIC GIVEAWAY, would it? Inspired by our own makeover, we’re offering seven lucky readers the chance to win a bunch of awesome prizes to RE-DECORATE your own space!

the full giveaway lineup!

$2000 to spend on furniture of your choice from NOMI (@nomi_studio)

$1500 to spend on a rug from Armadillo and Co. (@armadilloandco)

$1000 to spend on paint from Dulux‘ 2014 Colour Forecast (@duluxaus)

$585 to spend on an A3 size artwork from artist Sarah Kelk of Hello Polly (@hellopollyphotos)

$550 to spend an original artwork from Perth based artist Emma Lipscome (@emmalipscombe_)

$650 to spend on a beautiful mirror or lamp at Douglas & Bec (@douglasandbec)

$500 to spend at Loose Leaf (Melbourne) on gorgeous plants and greenery for your home (@looseleaf__)


To enter, we’re asking you to show us your space via instagram!  Simply take a photo of your home or workplace, and tell us which of the above prizes you would choose to update your space!  Be sure to tag us (@thedesignfilea), and include the instagram handle of the relevant prize provider, and hashtag #TDFredecorated!

You can enter as many times as you wish, but please refer to only ONE prize per entry, e.g.

‘My bedroom needs a lamp! Please help @douglasandbec @thedesignfilea #tdfredecorated!’

‘My front verandah needs a lick of paint please @duluxaus ! @thedesignfilea #TDFredecorated ‘

‘I literally have NO DINING table, I am sick of eating dinner on my couch, please send me a @NOMI_studio Dove dining table! @thedesignfilea #TDFredecorated’


Entries close at 10.00pm Melbourne time this Friday October 3rd 2014.  Entries are open to Australian residents only (apologies to our much loved international readers, it’s just insanely expensive to ship furniture overseas!).  Seven winners will be selected and contacted via Instagram next week – GOOD LUCK! *UPDATE: The winners of this giveaway have now been drawn and contacted. Thank you to everyone who participated in this giveaway, we loved all of your entries!

TDF Redecorated Giveaway !  Dove solid timber bench and haystack chair from NOMI, all plants from Loose Leaf, rug from Armadillo and Co, wall colour is Dulux ‘Sea Angel’, from Dulux‘ 2014 Colour Forecast.  Photo – Eve Wilson, styling – Lucy Feagins.