
Mavericks Laces

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
21st of May 2013
 Mavericks Laces - Autumn colours.  Photos - Justin Kane.
 Mavericks Laces - Autumn colours.  Photos - Justin Kane.
With the weather cooling down significantly in Melbourne this month, I'm guessing I'm not the only person grappling with the annual winter shoe dilemma.  Warmth vs. style - the age old conundrum!  Today's post won't solve the problem entirely... but it does offer a fun, colourful lift for chilly winter feet! Mavericks Laces are a Melbourne based start up, specialising in high quality, waxed cotton shoelaces in a brilliant variety of colours.  The business was founded last year by graphic designers Jayden Zernich, Leigh Scholten and Luke Schoknecht, who between them have worked for the likes of BroadsheetLife Space Journey, Shoemakers of Melbourne, and The Melbourne Pub Group. 'Mavericks Laces was born out of the realisation that there was a gap in the market for high quality, interesting shoelaces' say the boys about this slightly unusual endeavour. 'Being graphic designers, naturally we wanted to have some fun with it and introduce colour. Our laces allow men to express themselves through the subtle introduction of colour - its amazing how much you can lift your outfit just by adding a pop of colour to your shoes.' Just last week Mavericks launched a brand new range of coloured laces for Autumn - these include racing green ('George'), Caramel ('Jordan'), Black ('Hugo'), Grey ('Leroy'), White ('Iceman') and bright green ('Oscar'). They've also just introduced a range of extra long boot length (120 cm) laces for winter!  They can be found in stockists listed here, or can be purchased online from the Mavericks Laces website (where you will also notice a few inspired ideas for creative shoelace configurations!). Mavericks Laces are essentially colourful laces for colourful characters. Their philosophy is simple - 'If the shoe makes the man, then laces make the shoe'.  Behold the rise of the humble shoelace!
 Mavericks Laces - Summer 2012 colours (still available).  Photos - Justin Kane.

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