
Daniel To and Emma Aiston

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
30th of November 2011
The hallway of Danel To and Emma Aiston - complete with designer Pashley bikes!  (a matching pair, of course!)

Hallway / front door details

Shared study / workspace

Another smashing South Australian home today... this one is a super cute Victorian 2-bedroom home of Adelaide design duo Daniel To and Emma Aiston, aka Daniel : Emma!

This supremely talented pair were such incredibly generous hosts during my recent trip to Adelaide, taking me all over town to visit their favourite haunts, plying me with delicious meals, peculiar asian ice creams and an SA staple - Cibo coffee.  Of course I am a massive fan of Daniel and Emma's work and I am always impressed with their incredible sense of style -  so whilst in SA I knew I had to seize the opportunity to shoot their home.  I had an inkling it would be cute and quirky and full of 'not available in Australia' goodness.  I wasn't wrong!

Daniel and Emma live in the semi-industrial pocket of Adelaide known as Rosewater/ Port Adelaide.  It's an area ripe for gentrification - 1km to the port, 5km to the beach, 12km to the city, and full of fantastic old brick warehouses, most of which appear to be vacant.  If this were Melbourne each would be filled with artists, designers and fresh faced uni graduates looking to set up hipster bike shops / cafes / bars.  But this is Adelaide, so there's none of that going on just yet.  Watch this space!

Daniel and Emma have been here just 2.5 years.   On the first weekend after taking ownership, they set to work ripping out carpet, curtains, built in robes and lino, then polishing the floor boards and painting everything white. They've done little else and certainly nothing structural (yet!), other than filling the home with their unique collection of furniture and cute collectables, many of which are souvenirs from Daniel and Emma's time living and working in London.

When asked for their favourite aspects of the home, Daniel and Emma have too many to mention!  Emma loves the stripey bullnose verandah, Louis Ghost Chair in the bedroom (a wedding gift) and tin toys purchased from her previous employer Thorsten van Elten in London.  Their twin 'Pashley' bicycles also score a mention, and Daniel cutely says 'Emma is the best thing in the house'. Awww!

Massive thanks to Emma and Daniel for sharing their sweet nest with us today!  AND if you are a big fan of their work do come and check out their designed objects / stationery items in person at The Design Files Open House - opening TOMORROW! OMG.

Bedroom complete with 'Nudie lady painting' - an Aiston family heirloom!?  'This hung in my grandparents home for most of my childhood' says Emma!
Bedroom details including Louis Ghost Chair
Loungeroom / workspace.  Cute woollen sheep from some international designer whose name escapes me.
Loungeroom / workspace details
Workspace details
Workspace details
Kitchen details
Miniature Kitchen details
Dining room looking through to back door / annex
The cute couple!

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