
Callum Preston's Museum Of Mementos

No matter how minimal your home, everyone has STUFF. Souvenirs from a holiday, a shoe box filled with primary school participation certificates, a card from your Nan… the list goes on.

Artist Callum Preston promotes these background items to centre stage in his show ‘Everything Is Borrowed’ at Rialto’s KSR Art Bar, Melbourne.  Over a five week residency, Callum has created a handcrafted workspace, filled with nostalgic ephemera. The unique part? Callum is creating the artwork within the exhibition space, before our very eyes. Pop in over the next month to see the show develop in real time – ahead of it’s official ‘opening’ on November 21st.

Miriam McGarry

Photo – Dave Lepage.

Photo – Ashley Ludkin.

Photo – Dave Lepage.

Photo – Ashley Ludkin.

Photo – Ashley Ludkin.

Photo – Ashley Ludkin.

Miriam McGarry
24th of October 2019

When Callum Preston was travelling through America visiting family, he was struck by the personal items that littered the homes he was staying in. Items that didn’t mean very much to him, but to their owners were filled with memories, knowledge and material connection. A secret treasure trove, valuable only to the people who know the stories that go with them.

In ‘Everything Is Borrowed‘, Callum continues the ‘making and painting’ process he developed in his 2017 MILK BAR work (where he built a replica of the milk bar he went to as a kid) and welcomes the audience into the stories behind mementos, and those narratives that are often not shared.

The artist has created a room-within-a-room as part of his residency at the Rialto KSR Art Bar in the ‘business’ end of the city – a slight change of setting from Callum’s usual Collingwood studio space. The handcrafted structure is a collection of mixed-media and multi-dimensional works, constructed on site. A museum of mementos.

This space has been open for visitors since October 14th – guests are welcomed in to see Callum physically making the exhibition, in real time. Poke about the old signs, personal sketches, tools, off cuts, ticket stubs, candles, and watch as Callum creates a series of paintings on panels. The resulting exhibition will feature ten paintings that elevate a humble item (e.g. lighter, watch) into hero object, reflecting their hidden value in the owner’s eyes. If you can’t visit in person, you can see the unfolding process via Callum’s instagram updates!

At the official opening on November 21st, visitors can purchase a memento of their own, as Callum is producing 100 small timber trophies. A treasure for visitors to take away, to remember this unique exhibition, and add to your very own collection of beloved ‘stuff.’

Everything is Borrowed
Callum Preston 

See Callum at work, 4pm – 11pm Monday to Friday until opening day.
Exhibition Runs November 21st – December 7th

KSR Art Bar, The Rialto
Enter via 525 Collins Stree
Melbourne Vic

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